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Friday, August 15, 2008

Seven Dirty Little Secrets Nearly Every MLM Lead Retailing Company Doesn't Want You To Know!

MLM Lead Secret # 1.
Most leads are simply not as fresh as the company claims!

Beware when a company is making guarantees on the age of their leads. Many lead retailers claim they are selling you 5, 15, even 30 day old leads... What they don't tell you is that MOST of the Lead Retailing companies are simply buying "wholesale" leads from a few major suppliers. So yes... when the retailer receives them from the wholesaler they are 5,15 or 30 days old but by the time those leads reach you the end client they could be twice even three times the age the company claims! Not so fresh after all.

MLM Lead Secret # 2.
They claim your leads are exclusive? Read the fine print!

Many fly-by night Lead retailers will claim that your leads are exclusive to you. They'll tell you nobody else will have that persons contact information. Yeah... Right that only lasts about 5 days though and then the Lead will be pawned off to some other unsuspecting person. Sure it's great if you get the first batch but that's highly unlikely unless you are a frequent purchaser or have an "in" with the owner of the lead business. You could receive the leads after they have already been approached by 5 or 6 other marketers before you. Do you really think they will be very receptive to your offer after being approached by so many other marketer's offers? I highly doubt it. They will probably be trying to pitch a program back at you!

MLM Lead Secret # 3.
Surprised to hear that they were never interested in a home based business opportunity?

This happens all the time. It stems from a process called "Co-Registration" And millions of leads are generated this way everyday. Let's say for example you made a product purchase online... You bought some Avon products. At some point during your purchase they will probably ask you several questions like... "Would you like to receive more information on similar products?" or "Would you be interested in receiving offers from our partners?" Many people will click YES... Guess What? They just unknowingly became a business opportunity seeking lead for any company selling Avon related or household products. It doesn't mean they want to start a home based business. Hence why so many of them have no idea why your calling them. They were just online looking for cheap deals!

MLM Lead Secret # 4.
Where Lead Retailers really make their money is in selling you a "prospecting system" with a monthly reoccurring charge.

They will rope you into a monthly charge promising to send you a set amount of leads every day, week or month. But guess what? They have several other clients subscribing as well. They simply re-distribute their old leads. You have them for one week and then John Doe gets them the next. These leads could change hands as many as ten times during any given month. Back to the point that was made earlier. After receiving several offers from other marketers how receptive will these leads be if they haven't already joined something? Not Very.

MLM Lead Secret # 5.
There are only so many people looking for a new business at one time.

Contrary to what they want you to believe there really is NOT millions and millions of people looking for online or work at home business opportunities. Be wary of companies that are blasting your ad to Millions of leads or selling a CD with 80 Million names and emails. Sure there is a definite market for home based business but with the thousands of lead retailers out there I think they have sold the world over several times now. It's all the same people over and over again. Their information is simply bought, used and then sold again.

MLM Lead Secret # 6.
There are only a handful of "Lead Generators" everyone else is simply buying wholesale and then selling them to you!

It's true! there really is only a handful of actual Lead Generators online. They then sell their leads to the suppliers many of you buy from on a daily basis. There are a few problems with this. When that wholesaler sells their leads to the retailer they can still sell that list to 5 -10 Other lead retailers as well! And then those Lead retailing companies turn around and sell each of those leads to 5 or 10 of their customers, Guess what...? Now you have a full-matrix! It's called the SPAM & unwanted phone call Matrix.

MLM Lead Secret # 7.
When you sign up for those 10 Free Lead offers or sample packs you are signing yourself up as a Lead!

This is the dirtiest of all their tricks. There are several companies out there that have offers such as this. They want you to signup for a Free trial or sample pack of their business opportunity leads. So sure... you go and signup and they start asking you every question under the sun... Hold up... What's going on here? You just wanted to score some Free leads not become one. Well now your among the hundreds or thousands of others who were looking for some free leads and then became one. This is just another sneaky way for these companies to generate some more inventory. Don't forget to read the fine print as well. You may have agreed to let them sell your information no more then "X" amount of times. Usually being 5 - 10 times.

The next time you go to purchase some leads do a little background research on the company... Better Yet! Learn how to generate your own leads... So you can custom tailor the people you want to speak with!

To Our Success! Mike http://www.fullyautomatedcashgifting.com or http"//www.yourlifechangingsuccess.com

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